Acigo Pills
Anaci Tone
Effecve on Indicaons such as dyspepsia, heart burn, hyper
acidity due to irregular food habits and spicy food. Gases,
excessive foul eructaons, pain in abdomen, water brash,
nausea, indigeson, pain in region of stomach.
Dosage : 3 pills 3 mes a day under tongue or as directed by Physician.
Contents: Potency
Asafoeda: 30
Carbo Vegetabilis: 30
Lycopodium: 30
Robina Pesudocacia: 30
Dosage : 3 pills 3 mes a day under tongue or as directed by Physician.
Contents: Potency
Asafoeda: 30
Carbo Vegetabilis: 30
Lycopodium: 30
Robina Pesudocacia: 30
Anaci Tone
Anaci Tone
Anaci Tone is very useful in condions of Intesnal Worms.
The common general symptoms include irritaon and
persistent scratchy sensaon in ears and/or anus. It helps
reduce irritaon and gives relief from worms trouble.
Dosage : 3 pills 3 mes a day under tongue or as directed by Physician.
Dosage : 3 pills 3 mes a day under tongue or as directed by Physician.
Contents: Potency
Cina: 30
Chammomilla: 30
Dosage : 3 pills 3 mes a day under tongue or as directed by Physician.
Contents: Potency
Cina: 30
Chammomilla: 30
CNIL Drops
Anaci Tone
High cholesterol and associated ailments have become a classical lifestyle disease in the fast growing urban populaon.
C-Nil as a formulaon aids in such cases.
Dosage : 10-15 drops in 1/4 cup of water, three mes a day or as prescribed by physician.
Composition | Pot | Qty |
Chelidonium Majus | 12X | 5%V/V |
Cholesterinum | 12X | 5%V/V |
Cistus Canadensis | 12X | 5%V/V |
Allium Savum | 12X | 5%V/V |
Calcarea Carbonica | 12X | 5%V/V |
Phosporus | 12X | 5%V/V |
Excipients | Q.S. | |
Alcohol Content | 65%V/V |
Cure Renol
Anaci Tone
Severe pain in lower back or sides oen symbolises Renal Colic(commonly kidney stone/s)
Dosage : 10-15 drops in 1/4 cup of water, three mes a day or as prescribed by physician.
Composition | Pot | Qty |
Berberis Vulgaris | Q | 10%V/V |
Sarsaparilla | Q | 10%V/V |
Ocimum Canum | Q | 10%V/V |
Solidago Virgaurea | Q | 10%V/V |
Pareira Brava | Q | 10%V/V |
Senecio Aureus | Q | 10%V/V |
Excipients | Q | 10%V/V |
Alcohol Content | Q | Q.S |
Q | 61%V/V |
Anaci Tone
An efficient formula proved for years together, for all the
ailments during denon like irritability, fever, loose moons.
Can be given aer compleon of six months, for an easy
denon. Also useful for delayed denon, milk Indigeson
during denon.
Dosage : 3 pills 3 mes a day or as directed by Physician.
Contents | Potency |
Calc Carb | 30 |
Chammomilla | 30 |
Dent Eazee
Anaci Tone
Anaci Tone is very useful in condions of Intesnal Worms.
The common general symptoms include irritaon and
persistent scratchy sensaon in ears and/or anus. It helps
reduce irritaon and gives relief from worms trouble.
Contents Potency
Dosage : 3 pills 3 mes a day under tongue or as directed by Physician
Kalpant Sundari
Anaci Tone
It can be termed as woman’s Tonic. Kalpant Sundari is helpful
in Uterine Dysfuncon. It also acts to correct and stabilise the
menstrual cycle and uterine hemorrhage apart from stabilising
menstrual cycle in the individual.
Dosage : 3 pills 3 mes a day under tongue or as directed by Physician.
Dosage : 3 pills 3 mes a day under tongue or as directed by Physician.
Content | Potency |
Caulopyllum | 30 |
Belladona | 30 |
Thyroidinum | 30 |
Sepia | 30 |
Sabina | 30 |
Bellis | 30 |
Cimicifuga Rac/td> | 30 |